Saturday, April 19, 2014

Like Snow to an Eskimo

According to legend, the Eskimos have many words for snow.  How many, no one is really sure... maybe 50.  Maybe 400.  As an avid student of English, I have developed a theory that where snow must be remarkably significant to the Eskimos, deception must be a dominant priority for English speakers.  Just off the top of my head, here's what I've got:

  1. obfuscation
  2. mendacity
  3. deceit
  4. exaggeration
  5. equivocate
  6. hoodwink
  7. lie
  8. fib
  9. falsify
  10. forge
  11. perjury
  12. traduce
  13. slander
  14. misrepresent
  15. dishonesty
  16. underhanded
  17. insincere
  18. duplicity
  19. chicanery
  20. hypocrisy
  21. treachery
  22. fraudulent
  23. subterfuge
  24. guile
  25. cheat
  26. ruse
  27. artifice
  28. hoax
  29. pretense
  30. sham
  31. ploy
  32. intrigue
  33. feint
  34. fool
  35. delude
  36. swindle
  37. bamboozle
  38. disingenuous
  39. untruthful
  40. artful
  41. scam
  42. perfidious
  43. gull
  44. cozen
  45. tergiversate
  46. bluff
  47. mislead
  48. dupe
  49. fake
  50. trick

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