Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Princess True

Traditionally a princess is a female born legitimately to a king and she usually has a decent chance of marrying a king when she grows up and ultimately becoming a queen.

Contemporarily the word princess connotes how special and adorable we find a young girl to be.  She may be lavishly spoiled with attention and anything else she desires until she becomes so accustomed to royal treatment that she will one day incorporate the word "princess" into her e-mail address or various usernames or vanity plates, etc.  And eventually her peers may refer to her as a princess as well though, unfortunately, in a less flattering tone.

Personally, I think a princess is a pretty girl who transcends the temptation to manipulate the world with her physical beauty.  Instead she does what she can to brighten our lugubrious reality with her kindness; infecting us with irrepressible joy and happiness... so focused on loving others, she rarely spares a moment to wonder or worry if she is herself loved...

But she is.  She is loved and she is a princess true.

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