Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Top 24 Favorite Words in the English Language


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Like Snow to an Eskimo

According to legend, the Eskimos have many words for snow.  How many, no one is really sure... maybe 50.  Maybe 400.  As an avid student of English, I have developed a theory that where snow must be remarkably significant to the Eskimos, deception must be a dominant priority for English speakers.  Just off the top of my head, here's what I've got:

  1. obfuscation
  2. mendacity
  3. deceit
  4. exaggeration
  5. equivocate
  6. hoodwink
  7. lie
  8. fib
  9. falsify
  10. forge
  11. perjury
  12. traduce
  13. slander
  14. misrepresent
  15. dishonesty
  16. underhanded
  17. insincere
  18. duplicity
  19. chicanery
  20. hypocrisy
  21. treachery
  22. fraudulent
  23. subterfuge
  24. guile
  25. cheat
  26. ruse
  27. artifice
  28. hoax
  29. pretense
  30. sham
  31. ploy
  32. intrigue
  33. feint
  34. fool
  35. delude
  36. swindle
  37. bamboozle
  38. disingenuous
  39. untruthful
  40. artful
  41. scam
  42. perfidious
  43. gull
  44. cozen
  45. tergiversate
  46. bluff
  47. mislead
  48. dupe
  49. fake
  50. trick

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Guarding the Edge of Your Relationship

Raised in a strict Seventh Day Adventist home we knew Sabbath began Friday at sundown and ended on Saturday at sundown.  We couldn't do a lot of things we wanted to do on Sabbath.  We  couldn't play or pretend or make-believe unless we did so in such a way as to glorify God. 

It was okay to play church, but not okay to play wild west.

And we could not watch TV. 

Sometimes we felt a yearning for Sabbath to be over.  We couldn't wait.  The church bulletin would print the exact time of sundown, but maybe we had misplaced the bulletin or maybe no one had a watch handy so we would look at the horizon and try to determine if it was okay to stop glorifying God yet.  And then if it seemed close to sundown we would request permission from our nearest parent to commence non-Sabbath activities.

And our father admonished us that we should guard the edges of the Sabbath.  He may have collected that phrase from the prolific writings of Ellen G. White or Sister White as she is sometimes called.  But the gist and philosophy of the phrase is that it's better to prolong the Sabbath than to truncate it.

All somewhat irrelevant to me now as I'm a devout agnostic or a devout atheist depending on how high or low my blood sugar is running.

But today I found myself contemplating the way in which it may be important to guard the edge of a relationship and I'm talking  about the way in which you conduct yourself when your significant other is not around. 

My best friend is a girl and when we met she was married.  This story occurred when we worked together but before we became great friends.  It was New Year's Eve 2007 and as is our custom in the casino business we all congregated after work at another casino.  I had recently changed my voicemail greeting on my phone to something hilarious and was having friends and coworkers call my number so they could listen and get a good chuckle.... but not this girl.  When I told her what number to call she declined... because... she explained... if she called my number, I would have her number... and she was married... and she just wasn't comfortable with that.

That's how you guard the edge of a relationship.  Just abstaining from sexual intercourse is not enough... in my opinion.  You have to respect the other person... you have to respect your relationship together.  And it's better to respect it even more than what the normal standard calls for... better to respect it too much than not enough.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

An Atheistic Interpretation of Our Lord

Maybe the reason Jesus cautioned his followers to "Judge not lest ye be judged" is because he sensed they might one day be tempted to condemn gays and lesbians instead of welcoming them and loving them.

Maybe the reason Jesus counseled his followers, "Don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them" is because he recognized that without this guidance, they might one day try to force the children of unbelievers to participate in public school prayer.

Maybe the reason Jesus said to love your enemies and to do good to them that hate you is because he realized without this philosophy, Christians might one day wage war against Muslims.

Maybe, and I'm just spit balling here, maybe the reason Jesus asked his followers to "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" is because he knew that without that advice they might eventually wade into politics and fuck everything up.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Princess True

Traditionally a princess is a female born legitimately to a king and she usually has a decent chance of marrying a king when she grows up and ultimately becoming a queen.

Contemporarily the word princess connotes how special and adorable we find a young girl to be.  She may be lavishly spoiled with attention and anything else she desires until she becomes so accustomed to royal treatment that she will one day incorporate the word "princess" into her e-mail address or various usernames or vanity plates, etc.  And eventually her peers may refer to her as a princess as well though, unfortunately, in a less flattering tone.

Personally, I think a princess is a pretty girl who transcends the temptation to manipulate the world with her physical beauty.  Instead she does what she can to brighten our lugubrious reality with her kindness; infecting us with irrepressible joy and happiness... so focused on loving others, she rarely spares a moment to wonder or worry if she is herself loved...

But she is.  She is loved and she is a princess true.

Friday, February 7, 2014

This is something that would happen if it happened

My girlfriend asked me how long do I want to live and I said 121 and she asked why I wanted to live that long and I said because I want to break the world record and she asked what I was going to be doing with all that time and I said I was going to be breaking the world record and she said, "No, I mean how are you going to preoccupy yourself between now and then?" And I said, oh, I don't know. And she told me to make a bucket list so I sat down and after a while she asked, "So what's on your list?" And I said, "Only one thing." And she asked me what I wrote so I read it to her, "Before I die I want to make a bucket list." And she said, "You just did make a bucket list." And I said, I know. And she said so now you've done the only thing you want to do before you die. And I said I know. And she said so now you have absolutely nothing to do for the next 78 years. And I said I know. And she said that's depressing. And I said I know. So she sent me to a shrink. And he asked me if I drink and I said, "I don't know, what are you serving?" And he said, "no, I mean as a question of lifestyle, do you drink?" And I said "oh, I don't know, I guess so.... socially.. you know, if there's no one else around." And he said I have accountability issues and I said, "yes, I do, I know, but it's genetic, so not my fault really, is it?" And then he said I'm in denial and I said, Ummmm.... no I'm not.