Thursday, March 10, 2016

What was that all about?

Not saying I’ve ever tried to kill myself.  But… there were times when I tried to try to kill myself.

I had a huge hunting knife when I was a kid and about age ten I became strangely morose.  I resented my family.  We’d go on long trips in the car and everyone would seem bubbly and normal and I absolutely didn’t belong and would fantasize about killing myself.  And I remember holding the knife to my throat but not having the ability to slash.  Because it was too difficult I resorted to an easier technique eventually.  It may well sound stupid but I was ten… I fit a wire hanger around my neck with the idea of strangling myself… I didn’t even manage to cause any discomfort.

Later in my teens I remember the last day of school my sophomore year sitting in the gymnasium and feeling utterly unequal to the task of going forward in my life.  I perceived myself a failure, incapable of advancing, of growing up and meeting the responsibilities of an adult.  I stared off into nowhere seeking an escape.

That summer I came up with the idea of burning our house down with me in it.  I never went so far as obtaining any kerosene, mind you.  But I convinced myself this was something I was going to do.

When I was about to turn 22 I felt the rest of my life would be unbearably miserable with nothing else to look forward to ever… I drove my car to the mall late at night and planned to drive into one of the concrete walls at high speed.  I never even revved the engine, but there I was.

And that was my last suicide fantasy.

Was I clinically depressed?  Probably not.  I never got any help and I don’t think clinical depression is something you just snap out of.  So what changed?  I became obsessed with a beautiful girl at MTSU and even though it was a toxic relationship, I think I was so focused on making it work I had no energy left over for anything more self-destructive.  Or maybe it was just the experience of college.  Perhaps the expansion of my mind liberated me.  Instead of life being pointless, there was the pursuit of knowledge.

I have my battles, my obsessions.  I struggle with addictions all the time.  But I am usually okay.  I make people laugh.  I carve out my own unique life and it works for me as it could never work for anyone else.

I just wonder what that was I went through from 1981-1992. 

I’ll tell you one thing, you won’t catch me pining for my youth.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Tomorrow or soon thereafter

Midst perplexing elusive laughter

Bright spheres will orbit as they always have

Busy masses struggle to grasp

Frantic fury to survive

Feverish destiny sweet and sublime

Stagnating species to endure seasons

Living as ever bereft of reasons

Tomorrow or soon thereafter

Will I bow and bid farewell hereafter

Taking leave of infatuated anxieties

Pain with her celebrated suffering

Ignorance and her cerebral constriction

Relentless masochistic desire for perfection

Spawned in the dark, fermented in frustration

Farewell now to every vile temptation


Or soon thereafter

Will I confront this world’s conclusive disaster

A funeral ceremony may well commence

Nothing flamboyant

A few ladies and gents

Congregated to demonstrate to no one especially

A suspicion that some left behind may certainly miss me

Faces lowered and sobered and sad

A few tears generously shed on my behalf


And on that occasion I should wish I could tell you

What I would feel were I to feel anything when life is through

I write these anemic words while still I may

It wasn’t so bad as I made it seem

Some of you meant so goddamn much to me

There were days, dare I say, I rather loved you

And I smile now to reflect how my feelings grew

Sing tomorrow as you always did, this much I implore

Person I knew

If there is a God I beseech him to bless you

And many thanks for your part in this impromptu.